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IMMAF condemn inter-sex MMA fight in Poland

Following the controversy over two intersex fights which took place on MMA-VIP3 in Poland on Friday night, the IMMAF have issued a statement about the events.

MMA fans on social media were quick to denounce the spectacle as wrong and dangerous and the IMMAF agree. The statement in full;

“Following the reported inter-sex MMA bout at the MMA-VIP event in Czestochowa, Poland on 29 October, IMMAF CEO Densign White has issued the following statement on behalf of the world governing body for amateur MMA.

Media coverage has brought our attention to an inter-sex MMA bout that took place in Poland over the weekend. Although neither the promoter nor competitors have any association with IMMAF, as the international governing body for amateur mixed martial arts, I feel it is important that I state our position.

IMMAF categorically disagrees with this intentionally scandalous form of entertainment, which does not represent the sport of MMA or its values and puts women at risk.

It is unacceptable that women and men should compete against each other in combat sports, essentially for reasons of safety but also fair play, and we in now way endorse this.”

Although not affiliated to the events in Poland, it is great to see an important body like the IMMAF condemning such a controversial and dangerous event.

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